Remember the coup attempt in South Korea two months ago?
Remember the coup attempt in South Korea two months ago? started with late night declaration of martial law. Proceeded to military being actually deployed.
People came out into the streets in the middle of the night and physically refused to follow directions by military personnel enforcing the martial law.
Policymakers voted to end the martial law, inside the National Assembly building that was being stormed by the military.
Coup ended within 6h.
rysiek@mstdn.socialantwortete an zuletzt editiert von
There are so many elements here that I feel people miss – or refuse to understand – about coups.
For example, none of what the South Korean president did was legal. But that alone would not have stopped the coup.
If people just waited, twiddled their thumbs, and thoughtfully commented how "this is illegal", the coup could have probably succeeded.
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